transportation and accommodation facilities |
10 people and more・・・ 20% of a sum of money for travel less than 10 people・・・ @1,100 yen per matter |
accommodation facilities |
10 people and more… 10% of a sum of money for travel less than 10 people… @1,100 yen per matter |
transportation facilities |
10 people and more … 10% of a sum of money for travel less than 10 people… @1,100 yen per matter |
others |
10 people and more… 10% of a sum of money for travel less than 10 people… @1,100 yen per matter |
handling fee for Changes |
@1,100yen per change (transportation,accommodation and other facilities ) |
handling fee for Cancellation |
@1,100 yen per cancellation (transportation,accommodation and other facilities) |
Planning Fee | 10 people and more・・・ 20% of a sum of money for travel less than 10 people・・・ @2,200 yen per matter |